Unwrapping the Mystery: How to Parse a Bare “null” Response from the Server with kotlinx.serialization
Image by Min sun - hkhazo.biz.id

Unwrapping the Mystery: How to Parse a Bare “null” Response from the Server with kotlinx.serialization

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Have you ever received a response from your server that simply says “null” with no additional context or information? It’s like receiving a blank stare from your server, leaving you wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this enigmatic response and learn how to parse it using the powerful kotlinx.serialization library.

Understanding the Problem

When dealing with APIs, we often expect a well-formed response that conforms to our expectations. However, sometimes the server might respond with a bare “null” value, leaving us puzzled and frustrated. This can occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • Server-side errors or exceptions
  • Invalid or missing data
  • Misconfigured API endpoints
  • Serialization issues

In such cases, our serialization library must be able to handle this unexpected response and provide a meaningful way to handle the “null” value.

Introducing kotlinx.serialization

kotlinx.serialization is a powerful serialization library for Kotlin, designed to simplify the process of converting data between various formats, such as JSON, XML, and more. With its robust features and flexible API, it’s an ideal choice for handling complex serialization tasks, including parsing a bare “null” response.

Serializing and Deserializing with kotlinx.serialization

To get started, let’s create a simple data class to represent our expected response:

import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class ApiResponse(val data: String)

Next, we’ll use the `Json` serializer to serialize and deserialize our data:

import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

val json = Json {
    prettyPrint = true
    indent = "    "

val apiResponse = ApiResponse("Hello, World!")
val jsonBytes = json.encodeToString(ApiResponse.serializer(), apiResponse)

In the above code, we create an instance of `Json` and configure it to pretty-print the output with indentation. We then serialize our `ApiResponse` instance to a JSON string using the `encodeToString` function.

Handling the Bare “null” Response

Now, let’s tackle the problem at hand: parsing a bare “null” response from the server. To do this, we’ll create a custom deserialization strategy using the `JsonConfiguration` class:

import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonConfiguration

val jsonConfig = JsonConfiguration(ignoreUnknownKeys = true, isLenient = true)
val json = Json(jsonConfig)

val nullResponse = "null"
val parser = json.jsonParser
val resultMap = parser.parseToJsonElement(nullResponse).jsonObject

In the above code, we create a custom `JsonConfiguration` instance with `ignoreUnknownKeys` and `isLenient` set to `true`. This allows us to parse the “null” response without throwing an exception.

Custom Deserialization Strategy

To handle the “null” response, we’ll create a custom deserialization strategy using the `JsonDecoder` class:

import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonDecoder

class NullableDeserializer(private val serializer: KSerializer) : JsonDecoder {
    override fun decode(element: JsonElement): T? {
        return when (element) {
            is JsonObject -> null // handle empty object
            is JsonPrimitive -> when (element.primitive.contentOrNull) {
                "null" -> null // handle bare "null" response
                else -> serializer.deserialize(element)
            else -> throw JsonDecodingException("Unsupported JSON element")

In this custom strategy, we override the `decode` function to handle the “null” response. If the element is a bare “null” primitive, we return `null`. Otherwise, we delegate to the original serializer.

Putting it all Together

Now that we have our custom deserialization strategy, let’s use it to parse the “null” response:

val nullableDeserializer = NullableDeserializer(ApiResponse.serializer())
val result = nullableDeserializer.decode(parser.parseToJsonElement(nullResponse))
println(result) // prints: null

As expected, the custom strategy returns `null` when faced with a bare “null” response.

Cases to Consider

When working with kotlinx.serialization, it’s essential to consider the following cases:

  1. Empty Objects**: Be prepared to handle empty objects, which might be represented as `{}` in JSON. Our custom strategy already takes care of this case by returning `null`.
  2. Null Primitives**: In some cases, the server might respond with a null primitive, such as `null` in JSON. Our custom strategy handles this case by returning `null`.
  3. Invalid JSON**: Always be prepared to handle invalid JSON responses, which might arise from server-side errors or misconfiguration. Use try-catch blocks to catch `JsonDecodingException`s and handle them accordingly.


In this article, we’ve tackled the enigmatic “null” response from the server and learned how to parse it using the powerful kotlinx.serialization library. By creating a custom deserialization strategy, we’ve provided a meaningful way to handle this unexpected response. Remember to consider the various cases that might arise when working with serialization, and always be prepared to adapt to the complexities of API responses.

With this knowledge, you’re now equipped to tackle even the most mysterious responses from your server. Happy coding!

Keyword Explanation
kotlinx.serialization A serialization library for Kotlin
Json A serializer for converting data to and from JSON
JsonConfiguration A configuration class for customizing JSON serialization
JsonDecoder A class for creating custom deserialization strategies
KSerializer An interface for serializers
JsonElement A base class for JSON elements, such as objects and primitives
JsonPrimitive A class representing a JSON primitive, such as a string or number
JsonObject A class representing a JSON object

Remember, the key to successfully parsing a bare “null” response lies in creating a custom deserialization strategy that can handle this unexpected value. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging API responses.

Frequently Asked Question

A question that has been on every developer’s mind when dealing with parsing responses from the server – how to handle those pesky “null” responses?

How do I parse a bare “null” response from the server using kotlinx.serialization?

You can use the `Json` class from kotlinx.serialization and set the `ignoreUnknownKeys` property to `true`. This way, when the server returns a bare “null” response, it will be parsed as a `null` value, and not throw an exception. For example: `val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }`

What if I want to parse the “null” response into a specific type, like a nullable string?

You can use the `nullable` function from kotlinx.serialization to parse the response into a nullable type. For example: `val response: String? = json.parse(String.serializer().nullable, jsonString)`

How can I handle cases where the server returns an empty response, but not exactly “null”?

You can use the `default` function from kotlinx.serialization to provide a default value when the server returns an empty response. For example: `val response: String = json.parse(String.serializer().default(“DefaultValue”), jsonString)`

Is there a way to parse the “null” response into a custom object, like an empty list?

Yes, you can use the `serializable` function from kotlinx.serialization to create a custom serializer that returns an empty list when the server returns a “null” response. For example: `val response: List = json.parse(ListSerializer(String.serializer()).nullable, jsonString)`

What if I’m using a suspend function to call the server, and it returns a “null” response?

You can use the `runCatching` function from kotlinx.coroutines to catch the exception thrown when parsing the “null” response, and return a default value instead. For example: `val response: String? = runCatching { json.parse(String.serializer(), jsonString) }.getOrNull()`