Trino | Hive | Minio: Conquering the “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” Error
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Trino | Hive | Minio: Conquering the “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” Error

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” error when working with Trino, Hive, and Minio? You’re not alone! This pesky error can bring your workflow to a grinding halt, leaving you wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the root causes of this error and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

The Error: “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message”

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s understand what this error message is trying to tell us. This error typically occurs when Trino, Hive, or Minio encounters an SSL/TLS handshake failure while attempting to establish a connection. This could be due to various reasons, including:

  • Incompatible SSL/TLS versions
  • Invalid or missing certificates
  • Incorrect configuration settings
  • Network connectivity issues

Trino Configuration: The Culprit?

Let’s start by examining Trino’s configuration. Trino, formerly known as PrestoSQL, is a popular distributed SQL engine. When integrating Trino with Hive and Minio, it’s essential to ensure that the SSL/TLS settings are correctly configured.

Trino’s SSL/TLS Configuration

Check your Trino configuration file (usually etc/trino/ for the following settings:


Verify that the key-store-path and trust-store-path point to the correct locations, and the passwords match the ones used in your certificates.

Trino’s Hive Configuration

Next, inspect Trino’s Hive configuration (usually etc/trino/catalog/


Ensure that the trust-store-path and trust-store-password match the ones used in your Hive configuration.

Hive Configuration: The Middleman?

Hive, being the metadata repository, plays a crucial role in the Trino-Hive-Minio integration. Let’s investigate Hive’s configuration:

Hive’s SSL/TLS Configuration

Check Hive’s configuration file (usually hive-site.xml):

<property name="hive.metastore.schema.versions" value="1.2.0"/>
<property name="hive.metastore.uris" value="thrift://hive-metastore:9083"/>
<property name="hive.metastore.ssl.enabled" value="true"/>
<property name="" value="/path/to/hive.truststore"/>
<property name="" value="password"/>

Verify that the and match the ones used in your Hive configuration.

Minio Configuration: The Storage Solution?

Minio, being the object storage solution, is the final piece of the puzzle. Let’s examine Minio’s configuration:

Minio’s SSL/TLS Configuration

Check Minio’s configuration file (usually minio.conf):

  enable = true
  certificate = /path/to/minio.cert
  private-key = /path/to/minio.key

Ensure that the certificate and private-key files are correctly specified and match the ones used in your Minio configuration.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve reviewed the configurations, let’s walk through some troubleshooting steps to resolve the “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” error:

  1. Verify certificate validity: Ensure that the certificates used in Trino, Hive, and Minio are valid, not expired, and match the expected domain names.
  2. Check SSL/TLS version compatibility: Ensure that the SSL/TLS versions used by Trino, Hive, and Minio are compatible. You can use tools like openssl to verify the SSL/TLS versions.
  3. Enable SSL/TLS debugging: Enable SSL/TLS debugging in Trino, Hive, and Minio to gather more detailed logs. This will help you identify the specific issue.
  4. Use a tool like Wireshark: Capture network traffic using Wireshark to analyze the SSL/TLS handshake and identify potential issues.
  5. Check network connectivity: Ensure that there are no network connectivity issues between Trino, Hive, and Minio. Verify that the respective services are reachable and responding as expected.


In conclusion, the “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” error can be resolved by carefully reviewing and configuring the SSL/TLS settings in Trino, Hive, and Minio. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and fix the underlying issue. Remember to stay vigilant and monitor your system’s SSL/TLS configurations to prevent similar issues in the future.

Component Configuration File SSL/TLS Settings
Trino etc/trino/ http.server.ssl.enabled=true
Hive hive-site.xml <property name="hive.metastore.ssl.enabled" value="true"/>
<property name="" value="/path/to/hive.truststore"/>
<property name="" value="password"/>
Minio minio.conf [ssl]
enable = true
certificate = /path/to/minio.cert
private-key = /path/to/minio.key

Remember to replace the placeholders (/path/to/trino.keystore, password, etc.) with the actual values specific to your environment.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Trino | Hive | Minio – Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with that pesky SSL message error? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot and get back on track:

What does the “Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message” error mean?

This error typically occurs when the SSL/TLS handshake between the client (Trino, Hive, or Minio) and the server fails. This can happen due to various reasons such as incorrect SSL certificate configuration, outdated certificates, or incompatible SSL/TLS versions.

How can I check the SSL certificate configuration on my server?

You can use tools like OpenSSL or SSL Labs to inspect your SSL certificate configuration. For example, you can run the command `openssl s_client -connect :443` to check the SSL certificate details. Make sure to verify the certificate chain, expiration dates, and SAN (Subject Alternative Names) to ensure everything is properly configured.

What versions of SSL/TLS are supported by Trino, Hive, and Minio?

Trino, Hive, and Minio typically support SSL/TLS versions 1.2 and 1.3. Make sure to check the documentation for each specific tool to ensure you’re using a compatible version. It’s also essential to ensure that your server is configured to use a compatible SSL/TLS version to avoid handshake failures.

How can I disable SSL verification in Trino, Hive, or Minio?

While not recommended for production environments, you can disable SSL verification in Trino, Hive, or Minio by setting the relevant configuration options. For example, in Trino, you can set `ssl.verify_certificate=false` in your `etc/trino/` file. Similarly, in Hive, you can set `hive.ssl.verification.enabled=false` in your `hive-site.xml` file. For Minio, you can set `MINIO_SSL_VERIFY=false` as an environment variable. Be cautious when disabling SSL verification, as it can compromise the security of your data.

What are some best practices to avoid SSL-related issues?

To avoid SSL-related issues, make sure to use strong, up-to-date SSL certificates, configure your server to use compatible SSL/TLS versions, and regularly inspect your SSL certificate configuration. Additionally, ensure that your client tools (Trino, Hive, or Minio) are configured to trust the correct certificate authorities (CAs) and intermediate certificates. Finally, test your SSL configuration thoroughly to catch any potential issues before they become critical problems.