Unlocking the Secret to Displaying Alphabetical Caller Names on Forwarded Calls
Image by Min sun - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret to Displaying Alphabetical Caller Names on Forwarded Calls

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Are you tired of receiving calls from unknown numbers, only to find out it’s a customer named Joe? Imagine being able to see “Joe” flash on your screen the moment the call is forwarded to your cellphone. Sounds like a game-changer, right? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of call forwarding and explore the steps to display alphabetical caller names, like “Joe”, for incoming calls when forwarding to an agent or staff cellphone.

Understanding the Challenge

The challenge lies in the fact that traditional call forwarding systems don’t provide a straightforward way to display caller names in alphabetical order. This limitation can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and a poor customer experience. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution you’ve been waiting for!

The Importance of Caller ID and Caller Name

Before we dive into the solution, let’s talk about why caller ID and caller name are crucial for businesses. Caller ID helps agents identify the caller, making it easier to:

  • Personalize the call experience
  • Provide targeted support based on customer history
  • Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

Without caller ID, agents are left in the dark, struggling to provide the level of service customers expect. That’s where our solution comes in – to illuminate the caller’s identity and ensure a seamless experience.

The Solution: Twilio and Programmable Voice

Meet Twilio, a cloud communications platform that empowers businesses to build, scale, and operate robust communication solutions. With Twilio’s Programmable Voice, we can create a custom call forwarding system that displays alphabetical caller names like “Joe”. Buckle up, folks, as we’re about to get technical!

Step 1: Set up a Twilio Account and Get a Phone Number

Create a Twilio account and purchase a phone number (or port an existing one). This will be the number that customers call to reach your business. Think of it as the frontend of your call forwarding system.

Step 2: Configure Twilio Functions

Twilio Functions allow you to write server-side code that runs on Twilio’s infrastructure. We’ll create a Function to handle incoming calls and extract the caller’s name. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!

exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
  // Extract the caller's name from the incoming call
  const callerName = event.From;

  // Create a new TwiML response
  let response = new TwiML.TextResponse();

  // Set the caller ID to display the alphabetical caller name
  response.say(`Hello, ${callerName} is calling!`);

  // Return the TwiML response
  callback(null, response);

Step 3: Connect the Function to Your Phone Number

Associate the Twilio Function with your phone number. This will ensure that incoming calls are routed to your Function, where the magic happens.

Displaying Alphabetical Caller Names on Forwarded Calls

Now that we have our Twilio Function in place, let’s focus on displaying the alphabetical caller name on forwarded calls. Here’s where things get interesting!

Step 4: Use Twilio’s <Dial> Verb

When an incoming call is received, Twilio’s <Dial> verb allows us to forward the call to an agent or staff cellphone. We’ll use this verb to display the alphabetical caller name.


In the above example, we’re forwarding the call to an agent named “joe-agent” and setting the caller ID to “joe” using the <CallerId> element. This will display “joe” on the agent’s cellphone, providing an alphabetical caller name.

Step 5: Test and Refine

Test your call forwarding system by calling your Twilio phone number. The agent’s cellphone should display the alphabetical caller name, “joe”. Refine your system by adding more agents, customers, and features as needed.

Best Practices and Considerations

As you implement this solution, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions and compliance with local laws and regulations regarding caller ID and caller name display.
  • Use a reliable and scalable infrastructure to handle a high volume of calls.
  • Implement call recording and analytics to monitor call quality and agent performance.
  • Provide agent training on the new call forwarding system and its features.


Voilà! You now have a comprehensive guide to displaying alphabetical caller names like “Joe” for incoming calls when forwarding to an agent or staff cellphone. By leveraging Twilio’s Programmable Voice and following these steps, you can create a seamless and personalized call experience for your customers.

Twilio Resource Description
Twilio Account Create a Twilio account to get started.
Twilio Function Write server-side code to extract the caller’s name and set the caller ID.
Twilio Phone Number Purchase a phone number to receive incoming calls.
<Dial> Verb Use the <Dial> verb to forward calls to agents or staff cellphones.

Remember, this is just the beginning. With Twilio’s Programmable Voice, the possibilities are endless. Take your call forwarding system to the next level and start delivering exceptional customer experiences today!

Did you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Happy coding!

Last updated: [insert date]

Frequently Asked Question

Need help with displaying alphabetical caller names for incoming calls? We’ve got you covered!

How do I ensure the caller’s name is displayed on my agent’s cellphone?

Easy peasy! You’ll need to enable the “Caller ID” feature on your call forwarding system. This will allow the caller’s name to be displayed on your agent’s cellphone, along with the incoming call.

Can I customize the caller ID to show the customer’s name instead of their phone number?

You bet! Most call forwarding systems allow you to configure the caller ID to display the customer’s name instead of their phone number. You may need to upload a phonebook or contact list to match the caller’s phone number with their name.

Do I need to install any special software to display caller names on my agent’s cellphone?

Nah, you’re good to go! Most modern call forwarding systems don’t require any special software installations. As long as your agent’s cellphone is compatible with the system, you’re all set!

Will the caller’s name be displayed even if they’re calling from a private or blocked number?

Sorry to say, but no. If a caller has a private or blocked number, their name won’t be displayed on your agent’s cellphone. But don’t worry, you can still identify the call as an incoming business call through the call forwarding system.

Can I use a third-party service to display caller names on my agent’s cellphone?

Yep, you can! There are several third-party services that offer call forwarding and caller ID features. These services can integrate with your existing system to display caller names on your agent’s cellphone. Just make sure to choose a reputable provider that fits your business needs.

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