Extracting Epoch from Column of Timestamps in Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Min sun - hkhazo.biz.id

Extracting Epoch from Column of Timestamps in Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Hey there, fellow database enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with timestamp columns in Postgres and wondering how to extract the epoch from them? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of extracting the epoch from a column of timestamps in Postgres, step by step.

What is an Epoch, Anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly define what an epoch is. An epoch is a unit of time measurement that represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 (UTC). It’s a widely used timestamp format in computing and is often referred to as “Unix time” or “POSIX time”.

Why Do We Need to Extract Epoch from Timestamps?

So, why do we need to extract the epoch from timestamp columns in Postgres? Well, there are several reasons:

  • Easier data analysis**: Epoch values are easier to work with when performing data analysis, as they can be easily converted to other time formats or used in mathematical operations.
  • Consistency**: Epoch values provide a consistent timestamp format, which is essential when working with large datasets or integrating with other systems.
  • Performance**: Extracting epoch values can improve query performance, as it eliminates the need to perform complex timestamp conversions.

Extracting Epoch from Timestamp Columns in Postgres

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the fun part – extracting the epoch from timestamp columns in Postgres!

Method 1: Using the `EXTRACT` Function

One way to extract the epoch from a timestamp column is by using the `EXTRACT` function in Postgres. Here’s an example:

SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp_column) AS epoch_value
FROM your_table;

In this example, we’re using the `EXTRACT` function to extract the epoch value from the `timestamp_column` in the `your_table` table. The `EPOCH` keyword specifies that we want to extract the epoch value in seconds.

Method 2: Using the `DATE_PART` Function

Another way to extract the epoch from a timestamp column is by using the `DATE_PART` function in Postgres. Here’s an example:

SELECT DATE_PART('epoch', timestamp_column) AS epoch_value
FROM your_table;

In this example, we’re using the `DATE_PART` function to extract the epoch value from the `timestamp_column` in the `your_table` table. The `’epoch’` keyword specifies that we want to extract the epoch value in seconds.

Method 3: Using a Custom Function

If you need more flexibility or want to perform additional operations on the epoch value, you can create a custom function in Postgres. Here’s an example:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extract_epoch(timestamp)
  epoch_value BIGINT;
  RETURN epoch_value;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT extract_epoch(timestamp_column) AS epoch_value
FROM your_table;

In this example, we’re creating a custom function called `extract_epoch` that takes a timestamp as an input and returns the epoch value in seconds. We’re then using this function to extract the epoch value from the `timestamp_column` in the `your_table` table.

Handling Time Zones and DST

When working with timestamps in Postgres, it’s essential to consider time zones and daylight saving time (DST) adjustments. By default, Postgres assumes that timestamps are in the UTC time zone. If your timestamp column is in a different time zone, you’ll need to adjust the epoch value accordingly.

Here’s an example of how to handle time zones and DST adjustments:

SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp_column AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York') AS epoch_value
FROM your_table;

In this example, we’re using the `AT TIME ZONE` clause to specify the time zone of the `timestamp_column`. We’re assuming that the timestamp column is in the ‘America/New_York’ time zone, which includes DST adjustments.

Best Practices and Considerations

When extracting epoch values from timestamp columns in Postgres, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Use consistent time zones**: Ensure that all timestamp columns are in the same time zone to avoid confusion and errors.
  • Handle DST adjustments**: Consider DST adjustments when working with timestamp columns, especially if you’re dealing with dates that fall within DST periods.
  • Use the correct data type**: Use the `BIGINT` data type to store epoch values, as it provides enough precision to store the epoch value in seconds.
  • Index your timestamp columns**: Indexing your timestamp columns can improve query performance, especially if you’re frequently extracting epoch values.


In conclusion, extracting the epoch from a column of timestamps in Postgres is a straightforward process that can be achieved using various methods. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to extract epoch values with ease and improve your data analysis and processing capabilities.

Remember to consider time zones, DST adjustments, and data type precision when working with epoch values, and don’t hesitate to explore custom functions and indexing techniques to optimize your workflow.

Method Syntax Description
EXTRACT Function SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp_column) AS epoch_value FROM your_table; Extracts the epoch value from a timestamp column using the EXTRACT function.
DATE_PART Function SELECT DATE_PART('epoch', timestamp_column) AS epoch_value FROM your_table; Extracts the epoch value from a timestamp column using the DATE_PART function.
Custom Function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extract_epoch(timestamp) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ ... $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Creates a custom function to extract the epoch value from a timestamp column.

We hope you found this guide helpful in extracting epoch values from timestamp columns in Postgres. Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in extracting epochs from a column of timestamps in Postgres? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some Frequently Asked Questions to help you out.

Q1: What is an epoch in Postgres?

An epoch in Postgres is a Unix timestamp, which represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC. It’s a way to express a specific point in time as a numerical value.

Q2: How do I extract the epoch from a timestamp column in Postgres?

You can use the EXTRACT function in Postgres to extract the epoch from a timestamp column. The syntax is: EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp_column). This will give you the epoch value in seconds.

Q3: Can I extract the epoch in milliseconds in Postgres?

Yes, you can extract the epoch in milliseconds by multiplying the result of the EXTRACT function by 1000. The syntax is: EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp_column) * 1000. This will give you the epoch value in milliseconds.

Q4: How do I convert a string timestamp to an epoch in Postgres?

You can use the TO_TIMESTAMP function to convert a string timestamp to a timestamp data type, and then extract the epoch using the EXTRACT function. The syntax is: EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TO_TIMESTAMP(string_timestamp, ‘format’)). Replace ‘format’ with the actual format of your string timestamp.

Q5: Can I use the DATE_PART function to extract the epoch in Postgres?

Yes, you can use the DATE_PART function to extract the epoch in Postgres. The syntax is: DATE_PART(‘epoch’, timestamp_column). This will give you the epoch value in seconds. However, note that the DATE_PART function is less efficient than the EXTRACT function, so use it sparingly.

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