Unlock the Power of Kentico 13: Editing froala_style.min.css like a Pro!
Image by Min sun - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Kentico 13: Editing froala_style.min.css like a Pro!

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Welcome to the world of Kentico 13, where content creation meets cutting-edge technology! As a Kentico developer or administrator, you’re probably familiar with the Froala editor, a powerful tool that allows you to craft engaging content with ease. But did you know that you can take your content creation to the next level by editing the froala_style.min.css file?

What is froala_style.min.css, and why should I care?

The froala_style.min.css file is a CSS stylesheet that controls the visual aspects of the Froala editor in Kentico 13. By default, this file comes pre-configured with a set of styles that dictate the layout, typography, and overall look and feel of the editor. But, as you’ll soon discover, editing this file can unlock a world of possibilities for customizing the Froala editor to fit your unique needs.

Why edit froala_style.min.css?

There are several compelling reasons to edit the froala_style.min.css file:

  • Custom branding**: By editing the stylesheet, you can tailor the Froala editor to match your organization’s brand identity, ensuring a consistent visual language across all content.
  • Improved user experience**: With a customized stylesheet, you can optimize the editor’s layout and typography to enhance the content creation experience for your users.
  • Enhanced accessibility**: By modifying the stylesheet, you can improve the accessibility of the Froala editor, making it more usable for users with disabilities.
  • Increased flexibility**: Editing the stylesheet gives you the freedom to experiment with new layouts, colors, and typography, allowing you to push the boundaries of what’s possible with the Froala editor.

Preparing to Edit froala_style.min.css

Before diving into the editing process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Kentico 13 installation**: Ensure you have a working installation of Kentico 13, with the Froala editor enabled.
  2. FTP client or file manager access**: You’ll need a way to access and edit the files on your Kentico 13 instance. Popular FTP clients include FileZilla and Cyberduck.
  3. Text editor or IDE**: Choose a text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that you’re comfortable with, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.

Locating the froala_style.min.css file

To edit the froala_style.min.css file, navigate to the following location in your Kentico 13 installation:


Or, if you’re using a virtual directory:


Editing froala_style.min.css

Now that you’ve located the file, it’s time to dive in and start editing! To get started, open the file in your chosen text editor or IDE.

Understanding the CSS structure

The froala_style.min.css file is a minified CSS stylesheet, which means it’s been compressed to reduce file size. To make editing easier, you can use a tool like Unminify or the “Format” feature in your text editor to prettify the code.

The CSS structure is organized into sections, each targeting specific elements of the Froala editor. Here’s a breakdown of the main sections:

/* General styling */
.fr-container {
  /* styles for the editor container */

/* Toolbar styling */
.fr-toolbar {
  /* styles for the toolbar */

/* Button styling */
.fr-btn {
  /* styles for buttons */

/* Editor content styling */
.fr-editor {
  /* styles for the editor content */

/* and so on... */

Making changes to the CSS

Now that you understand the CSS structure, it’s time to make some changes! Let’s say you want to change the background color of the editor container to a soothing blue hue. To do this, you would add the following code to the `.fr-container` section:

.fr-container {
  background-color: #4567b7;

Similarly, if you want to modify the font family and size of the editor content, you would add the following code to the `.fr-editor` section:

.fr-editor {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;

Minifying the CSS (optional)

If you want to keep the CSS file minified, you can use a tool like CSSMin or the “Minify” feature in your text editor to compress the code.

Applying the Changes

Once you’ve made your changes to the froala_style.min.css file, save the file and upload it to your Kentico 13 installation, overwriting the existing file.

After uploading the changes, navigate to the Froala editor in your Kentico 13 instance and refresh the page. You should now see your customized styles in action!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues with your custom styles, here are some common solutions:

  • Styles not applying**: Ensure that you’ve uploaded the file to the correct location and that the file has been overwritten successfully.
  • Styles are overridden**: Check if there are any other CSS files or styles overriding your custom styles. Try adding `!important` to your CSS declarations to ensure they take precedence.
  • Editor not functioning**: If the editor becomes unresponsive or dysfunctional, try reverting to the original froala_style.min.css file to isolate the issue.


Editing the froala_style.min.css file is a powerful way to customize the Froala editor in Kentico 13. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of the Froala editor and create a content creation experience that’s tailored to your unique needs.

Remember to experiment with different styles and layouts, and don’t be afraid to try new things! With a little creativity and CSS know-how, you can transform the Froala editor into a powerful tool that boosts productivity and inspires creativity.

Keyword Frequency
Kentico 13 7
Froala editor 6
froala_style.min.css 5

This article has been optimized for the keyword “Kentico 13 Edit froala_style.min.css” to provide the best possible search engine ranking. By incorporating the target keyword strategically throughout the content, this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for Kentico 13 users looking to customize the Froala editor.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of Kentico 13 by understanding how to edit froala_style.min.css!

Why do I need to edit froala_style.min.css in Kentico 13?

Editing froala_style.min.css allows you to customize the styling of the WYSIWYG editor in Kentico 13, giving you more control over the visual aspects of your content creation experience. You can adjust the layout, colors, and typography to match your brand’s identity or personal preferences.

Where can I find the froala_style.min.css file in Kentico 13?

You can find the froala_style.min.css file in the Kentico 13 installation directory, under the folder CMS\CMSModules\Content\WYSIWYGeditor\froala\css. Make sure to create a backup of the original file before making any changes, as this will ensure you can revert to the default styling if needed.

What tools do I need to edit froala_style.min.css in Kentico 13?

To edit froala_style.min.css, you’ll need a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom. You can also use a CSS editor or a code beautifier to make the editing process more efficient. Simply open the file, make your changes, and save it to see the updates take effect in Kentico 13.

Can I edit froala_style.min.css using the Kentico 13 UI?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in feature in Kentico 13 to edit froala_style.min.css directly within the UI. You’ll need to access the file system and edit the file manually using a text editor or IDE. However, you can use the Kentico 13 UI to create and manage CSS styles for your content, which can be applied separately from the WYSIWYG editor styling.

What are some best practices for editing froala_style.min.css in Kentico 13?

When editing froala_style.min.css, it’s essential to follow best practices such as using a version control system, creating a backup of the original file, and testing your changes thoroughly. Additionally, consider using a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less to make your code more maintainable and efficient. Always keep in mind the cascading nature of CSS and how your changes might affect other styles in the WYSIWYG editor.